A Montgomery Marriage (Montgomery Family and Friends) Page 14
“I’m afraid so,” Mason confirmed with a slight nod of his head. “He just got of surgery about an hour ago and it was touch and go for awhile, but if he makes it through the night his prognosis will improve greatly. I’ve been sitting at the hospital with his wife and son.”
“You should have called,” Abigail told him with a hurt expression on her face.
Mason shook his head in disagreement. “There was nothing you could do for him and there were already plenty of people at the hospital with his family. This was a happy day for you and I didn’t want it ruined by some thoughtless driver’s idiocy.”
“I’m sure the family would appreciate it if you sent a gift basket to the hospital and visited with his wife tomorrow. I’m sure she’d be glad of the company. She’s going to have a long vigil ahead of her the next several days.”
Abigail mumbled a sleepy agreement and was already half asleep when Mason finally joined her in the bed. She felt him pull her into his arms and she readily went without argument. It felt safe and right in the shelter of his arms. “I missed you. I’m glad your home now,” she whispered. Then she dropped off to sleep.
Mason’s embrace tightened so that he was holding her even closer. He knew it had been an emotionally draining day for her and she needed her rest, but he couldn’t resist. He kissed her one more time. It was just a light brush of his lips against the side of her neck. “I missed you too,” he whispered. Mason fell asleep knowing he’d let Abigail down even though that was the last thing he had intended. He’d make it up to her, somehow, somewhere. He never wanted Abigail to be let down by him ever again.
Abigail woke to the sound of running water. Her eyes popped open even wider when she remembered the night before and her ruined seduction plans. She couldn’t blame Mason. She would have done the same thing if she’d been in his place. She wasn’t willing to give up on her grand scheme of seduction however. A sudden idea came to her and she smothered the laugh trying to escape. She had to hurry, because she had no idea how long Mason had already been in the shower.
She ran to her lingerie drawer and found the sexy piece of silk the fashion world tried to pass off as sleepwear. She spied Mason’s briefcase in the corner of the bedroom. He’d been so tired when he came home last night he hadn’t even bothered taking it to his home office. Abigail neatly folded the scrap of silk. She was struck by a sudden inspiration. She grabbed her perfume bottle from the top of her dresser and misted the lingerie. Then she hid the scrap of silk under a file full of papers. Now with a little luck Mason would find the lingerie soon after arriving to work. That along with the smell of her perfume should have him thinking about her for the rest of the day!
She heard the shower shut off and hurriedly closed the briefcase and put it back where he’d left it the night before. She pulled on her robe, sat on the edge of the bed, and waited for him to come out of the bathroom. When he appeared wearing only a bath towel wrapped around his middle Abigail let out an aggravated sigh. This seduction business was frustrating in more ways than one. “Good morning,” she greeted as he walked toward her.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” He stopped in front of her effectively blocking her on the bed with his much larger frame. He bent to give her a kiss. She kissed him back lightly, but wiggled away before he could deepen the kiss. The next thing he knew he was falling forward onto the bed.
Abigail laughed as she squeezed past her husband. She wanted him to want her more than he’d ever wanted anyone when they came together that night. A little teasing would go a long way toward that end, she knew. “Sorry no time for that now,” she insisted with a mock stern look on her face. “I have to make sure the children are up and then I have to start their breakfast. Do you want anything before you leave for work?” she asked.
“What I want evidently isn’t on the menu, at least not yet.” He disappeared into their walk-in closet and came out a few minutes later neatly dressed for work. He picked up his briefcase and headed toward the door. “I plan to be home in time for a six o’clock dinner. I’ll call this time if my plans change. And Abigail I’m sorry I wasn’t able to celebrate with you yesterday.”
Abigail accepted his apology with a nod and tried to act as innocent as possible. “Sounds good, I’ll plan to have dinner ready by then. I’m going to the hospital to visit Mrs. Wright after I drop the children off at school. I’ll be sure to give her your well wishes.”
“That would be great, Abigail. I’m sure she’s probably still in the ICU waiting area.”
“I’m sure your right.” I would still be there if it were you in that hospital, she silently added. “I should call my mom too. The Methodist Women’s group will want to do something for the family I’m sure. And my mom might want to ride to the hospital with me. I could probably use the company.”
“That’s a good idea.” His hand was on the doorknob, but he hesitated before he opened the door. He walked back to Abigail and gave her another kiss. He cupped her face with both hands and parted her lips with his tongue. He crowded her slender body with his much larger harder one. Finally after what seemed a lifetime, but could only have been several seconds he released her. “Stay away from the idiot’s on the road. I don’t ever want to be in Mrs. Wright’s place. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.” And without giving Abigail a chance to respond he spun around on his heel and walked out the door.
Abigail touched her lips. They still burned from Mason’s possession. Then his final words penetrated the lust-induced fog in her brain. They sounded promising, but she fought her rising euphoria. It didn’t mean he loved her. They’d been friends for years, he definitely cared for her, but could it be more than that? Abigail decided she’d have her answer soon!
Mason fixed himself a cup of coffee and went to work. He looked over his calendar and then double-checked with his secretary to make sure nothing had changed. Sometimes she had to slip in last minute requests for meetings in odd places. He finished confirming the schedule for the day and requested she contact a florist to send flowers to the hospital for Mr. Wright’s room. That done he hung up the phone and opened his briefcase to prepare for the first meeting of the day with the curriculum and content specialists for math, science, and English grades six through twelve.
The sweet smell of flowers with just a hint of citrus assailed his nostrils. He immediately recognized Abigail’s perfume. It was sunny, light, and cheerful, just like his wife. He shifted the contents of his briefcase until he found the source of the fragrance. His hand grasped something soft and silky. He knew it was the culprit right away and pulled it out for further inspection.
He had just fished out the champagne colored confection of lace and silk when his secretary gave two quick knocks on his slightly ajar office door and walked inside his office. A lesser man might have turned red or at least been somewhat embarrassed at being caught holding lingerie in his office, but not Mason. He unhurriedly folded the sexy reminder of his wife and put it on the bottom of his briefcase.
“What can I do for you,” Linda he calmly asked his secretary.
She held up a stack of papers. “I have those latest budget figures you requested for this mornings meeting.” She nodded toward his leather briefcase. “I would think your wife could keep better track of her undergarments,” she said in a half sneering tone.
“I think my wife wanted to make sure she was on my mind today. I think her reminder was totally unnecessary as she’s never far from my mind at any given time. We are still newlyweds however so…” he trailed off. He wasn’t about to reveal anything more personal to his secretary.
He held out a hand. I’ll take those figures. I definitely need them for the upcoming meeting. Call me when all three of my appointments arrive. There’s no need for me to greet them until they’re all here.”
“Yes sir. Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll be going through emails and yesterday’s mail,” Linda supplied before closing
the door and walking back to her desk.
Mason let out the chuckle he’d been holding back ever since he’d felt the silky garment hidden in his briefcase. One thing Mason knew for sure, life with Abigail was never going to be boring, not that he’d ever thought that for one minute in all the years he’d known her. His cell phone rang the unique tone set for Abigail. He answered the phone with a heartfelt “hello sweetheart,”
“Hello Mason,” she answered in a breathless voice. She took a deep breath before she could lose her nerve. “Did you find my little present?” she managed to get out in a rush of words.
“You know I did. The perfume made sure of that. Nice touch by the way. Now my office smells just like my delectable wife.” Mason waited for a reply and wasn’t surprised when there wasn’t one. “Hmmm, I think my wife is speechless. Don’t worry your ploy worked. I promise I’ll be thinking about you all day long, but Abigail. You’re going to be thinking of me all day too, wondering what it is I’m going to do to top your lingerie in the briefcase stunt.” He paused just long enough for Abigail to absorb his words. “Bye now and sweetheart I can hardly wait till tonight!”
Abigail hung up the phone in a huff without bothering to say goodbye. This was supposed to be her big seduction scene. How dare he try to turn the tables on her? She’d show him. Between trips to the hospital and picking up the children from school she’d stop by the new lingerie boutique downtown, Seductive Dreams Lingerie. She hadn’t been there yet, but both Annabel and Aubrey had raved about it. She’d make sure she was wearing something at bedtime that would knock off his socks, shoes, briefs, and anything else he was wearing.
Abigail had to bite her lip to suppress the big smile trying to break free when she heard the garage door open. She followed the sound of his footsteps until he reached the kitchen. Then she listened as his steps grew louder and he neared their bedroom. Her stomach clinched in anticipation when she saw the bedroom door that had been slightly ajar swing open.
She’d practiced this pose for several minutes. She was already stretched out on their king size bed on her side facing the door. She propped herself up on her left elbow and made sure the black cowboy hat that came with the seductive cowgirl outfit was pushed down low enough to hide her eyes. Then she waited to see her husband’s reaction.
Mason knew Abigail was up to something as soon as he entered the house. Abigail and the children were nowhere to be seen or heard. The kitchen which usually overflowed with the fantastic aroma of Abigail’s cooking was suspiciously lacking the scent of fresh herbs and spices he’d come to associate with dinnertime. He made his way to the master bedroom hoping to find his wife and some answers there.
He pushed open the door, “Abigail are you in here?” He stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. His gaze traveled to the bed and his heart about stopped. Abigail lay on her side facing the bedroom door in the sexiest black cutout teddy he’d ever seen. A black cowboy hat was pulled down low enough to hide her eyes. He should have known after finding that lingerie in his briefcase that he was in for one hell of a night!
Abigail set up and the fringe covering the bra and panty area of the skimpy teddy swayed back and forth with her every move. She glanced at Mason and saw that his eyes were riveted to her curves which were barely covered by her chosen outfit of seduction. “Caroline agreed to keep Emily and Jay overnight. So we have the house to ourselves tonight, cowboy!” She picked up a long black silk scarf and looped it around Mason’s waist. She used the scarf to pull him closer to her and then finally down on the bed next to her.
Mason allowed himself to be drawn closer to Abigail. She was guiding him exactly where he wanted to be, within striking distance. She pulled and he stalked. Finally he was next to her on the bed and he made his move. He rolled over until he was directly above her. He straddled her hips with both his thighs and planted his hands on both sides of her face. He had turned the tables and she was effectively trapped and at his mercy. And with all the teasing he had endured that day there would be no mercy. He brought his lips down and captured hers in a crushing kiss meant to burn her to her very soul.
Abigail welcomed the kiss. The scarf fell to the floor completely forgotten. She opened both her heart and her body to the man she now called husband. She surrendered to his touch and kisses. In the back of her mind was the nagging thought that she’d promised herself to talk to Mason. She’d planned to tell him she loved him and to find out the extent of his emotional entanglement in their relationship. All thought of talk was soon forgotten when Mason hurriedly stripped off his tie and dress shirt.
Abigail wasn’t one to just sit back and wait. Her hands flew to the buckle of his belt and fumbled with it until she had it unfastened. The belt hit the floor the same time as the tie and shirt. They both reached for the button of his pants. Abigail beat him by a fraction of a second and had the button undone in record time.
Mason leaned in for a kiss trapping Abigail’s hands between their bodies. He waited for her sigh of pleasure and then thrust his tongue in deep. There wasn’t any part of her he wanted to leave untouched. He pressed his burgeoning erection against her moist center and they both groaned.
“I’ve been looking forward to this all day!” Mason assured Abigail as he rolled off to completely remove his dress pants. He saw Abigail out of the corner of his eye take the opportunity to remove the scrape of silk and fringe she’d been wearing. When they were both completely naked he reclaimed his position on top straddling her between his muscular thighs.
“Good, because I’ve been thinking about you too, and I really need you now,” she demanded in a sultry voice.
Mason felt his senses go haywire at the sound of desire and longing in her voice. He’d wanted to take this slow and easy, but that wasn’t going to happen. In the short time they’d been married he’d come to crave her even more than he had before. “I’m not capable of slow and easy right now, so hold on tight,” he warned.
“I don’t want slow and easy cowboy, show me what you’ve got and I’ll show you what I’ve got,” she goaded.
That was all it took to break the last shred of restraint holding Mason’s passion in check. He guided his erection to the core of her body and thrust forward until it was completely surrounded by the silken heat of her body. He laced his fingers with hers and placed their joined hands on the bed by her head.
Abigail gloried in the feel of their naked bodies skin to skin. She arched her back and lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. Then she lifted her lips to his in offering. She wasn’t disappointed when he took her lips in a deep and lingering kiss. Now they were connected in every possible way and Abigail had never felt anything more profound in her entire being.
Abigail hit the off button on the alarm and sprang out of bed. She’d probably only had three hours of sleep, but she was energized and far from tired. A good night of loving could do that to a woman, she decided. She couldn’t hear Mason moving around and figured he’d already left for work. They had never gotten around to having that heart to heart talk last night.
Maybe that was for the best. She was still cautious. It was just her nature. Maybe a few days of space would be good for both her and Mason. Today was Emily and Jay’s last day of school before a four-day break. Mason was still expected in the office that Thursday and Friday. It would be Abigail decided, an opportune time to take the children and visit with her mother. She wasn’t seeing nearly as much of her mom as she would like since she’d moved in with Mason.
She also needed some time away from Mason to think. Everything had turned out for the best just like he’d promised, but was that going to be enough for her. Would it be enough for Mason? She knew now without a doubt that she loved him. What she didn’t know was if he returned that love and if he didn’t, would he even want hers. She figured she could survive in a one-sided relationship for the children’s sake, but would she thrive? She definitely needed to clear her head and work out
her jumbled emotions. She couldn’t do that with Mason near. A long weekend at her mother’s would be good for her peace of mind.
Abigail picked Jay and Emily up from Caroline’s and then dropped them off at their respective schools. She rushed home and called her mom. After inviting herself and the children over for the next few days, she packed enough clothes for the three of them to last through Sunday. Now came the hard part. She called Mason at work.
“Hello sweetheart,” he greeted when he picked up his extension. “I’m glad you called. I’ve been thinking about you most of the morning. I wanted to wake you to say goodbye this morning, but I figured you needed your sleep.” He paused, “especially if we’re going to go for round two tonight.”
Abigail groaned into the phone. Maybe going to her mom’s house for the long weekend hadn’t been the best idea, but she’d already made the arrangements. Besides she reminded herself, she really did need the time to think and process her feelings. “I’m sorry,” and she meant it. “Since you have to work the next couple of days, I thought that Jay, Emily, and I should spend some time with my mother. She really misses not having them under her roof.”
Mason wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. He glanced at his door to make sure it was closed. Things had been going so well. He really hadn’t been expecting this. He was never one to beat around the bush. “You’re not thinking about leaving me are you, Abigail?”
“Mason …,” she paused trying to think of the right words.
Mason didn’t like the silence. “I’ll be home in thirty minutes. Don’t leave until I get there,” he demanded.
“Mason wait! There’s no need for you to come home right now. I’m not leaving you, I promise. I just need some time to process my feelings for you and I need a little space while I do it. And I really do miss my mom. And she misses the children and me. I’m not sure she’s adjusting so well to an empty house after all these years.”