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A Montgomery Marriage (Montgomery Family and Friends) Page 13

  Abigail took a deep breath and flashed Emily her best mommy smile. “I’m ready honey!” She gave her head one single hard shake to clear it. It was time to focus on her daughter. Mason’s time would come tonight. His lingering kiss and her wink had assured that!


  Finally the day that Abigail had been dreading more than any other arrived. The weather was miserable for an October morning in Florida. A dismal cloud cover made the world seem dark and gray. It matched Abigail’s mood. A dreary, cold, and rainy day seemed fitting for the battle that was about to come.

  Her mother had already been by to pick up the children. She was dropping them off at school for Abigail and Mason, because they were supposed to meet with the judge at nine o’clock sharp. Abigail wasn’t taking any chances. There was no way she would risk being late. Now she quietly paced the living room while she waited for Mason to finish dressing. She was too keyed up to sit on the couch or even stand in place.

  Mason walked out of the master bedroom, knotting his tie as he went. He stopped when he saw Abigail pacing back and forth across the living room. He knew this was killing her and it was killing him not to be able to do anything to soothe her fears. He just had to hope that the judge was actually able to see Roger’s true character and wouldn’t risk Emily and Jay’s wellbeing in the name of biological parental rights.

  Abigail was so mired in her misery she didn’t even hear Mason walk across the room toward her. She visibly jumped when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. Then before she could even blink she was in his arms. A strangled sob left her throat before she could stop it.

  Mason held her closer. “It’s all right, sweetheart. Let it all out.” He felt her knees buckle and gently slid to the floor with her. “I’ve got you darling. That’s it. Cry it out.” He continued to hold her close with one hand, while the other gently brushed her silky blond hair away from her face.

  Abigail needed this contact with Mason. She burrowed deeper into his suit jacket. The warmth coming from his body was almost as comforting as his soothing voice and hands. She cried for a couple minutes more. Then she stiffened her spine and lifted away from the comfort of Mason’s arms. She wiped her eyes and gave Mason a weak smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to do that.”

  Mason gave her a quick kiss. “Don’t you dare feel guilty about venting your fear in front of me. I know how much you love those children and before we leave that courtroom today so will the judge. He needs to see that you care enough about your children to be upset at the thought of sharing custody with a man that doesn’t deserve them.”

  Abigail took a deep breath and tried to keep it together. “Thank you Mason, I really need your strength right now. And thank you so much for going with me today. Annabel, Aubrey, and my mom really wanted to be in there with me, but the lawyer said it was closed to everyone that wasn’t directly involved with the hearing.”

  Mason took the time to lightly wipe tendrils of damp hair from her cheek before he answered. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I’ve grown very attached to Jay and Emily and I don’t plan to share them with a deadbeat who hasn’t given them the time of day before now. I don’t care that he does happen to share their DNA.”

  “You’re more of a dad to them than Roger has ever been, DNA or not.” She gave him a weak smile and wiped her eyes. “We should go. I don’t want to risk angering the judge by being late.”

  Mason glanced down at his watch. “We have plenty of time, but if it will help relieve some of your anxiety then we’ll go.” He stood lifting Abigail with him as he went.


  Abigail forced herself to sit between Mason and their attorney. They had been thirty minutes early. Now they were finally sitting in the judge’s chamber for the preliminary meeting, but they were still waiting. Roger’s lawyer was present, but he was alone.

  The judge tapped her fingers on her desk a couple of times then glanced pointedly at her clock and Roger’s lawyer. “I certainly hope your client doesn’t plan to waste my entire morning. I do have other appointments today.”

  The lawyer nervously fidgeted. “He knew what time to be here your honor. I’m sure he’ll be here any minute.”

  Right on cue Roger and his latest wife were escorted into the judge’s chambers by her assistant. He mumbled an excuse and they sat down in the two remaining chairs.

  Abigail let out a soft sigh only loud enough for Mason to hear. She felt him link his fingers with hers and give a comforting squeeze. She didn’t even hesitate to squeeze back. She would have never been able to face this alone.

  The judge shuffled a few papers and turned to Roger. “I understand your divorce has been final for several years. Why are you just getting around to suing for custody of the children in question now?”

  “Things change your honor. It’s just time.”

  Abigail couldn’t help the half-hysterical laugh that slipped out. She felt Mason’s fingers tighten around her hand. “I’m sorry, but I can’t be quiet when it comes to the wellbeing of my children.”

  “I promise you’ll have your say Mrs. Blake. But I do need Mr. Davidson to answer these questions without interruption.” She turned back to Roger and much to Abigail’s satisfaction the judge didn’t miss the leering smirk he sent Abigail’s way.

  “Mr. Davidson, it seems to me that your wife’s had sole custody of the two minor children in question for several years now. Has something in her circumstances changed to make you think that it is no longer in their best interest to remain with their mother?”

  Roger shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “Well she doesn’t have a job anymore,” he offered somewhat childishly.

  The judge made a quick note and then turned her attention to Abigail. “What about your change in employment status? Does it make you any less able to take care of your children on a full time basis, Mrs. Blake?”

  Abigail smiled a quick smile of relief. This was the easiest question she could have been asked. “On the contrary, I am now able to stay at home and concentrate all my efforts on being the best mother and wife I can be.” She sent Mason a shy smile. “I am even able to volunteer in my daughter’s classroom now at least once a week.” The excitement of being an integral part of her daughter’s life was evident with every word she spoke. “And I was able to chaperone a recent fieldtrip to the botanical gardens.”

  The judge listened and made a few more notes. “I understand you have recently remarried. How does Mr. Blake interact with your children?”

  Abigail let out a slight breath of air. She might not have known the answer to this question before she and Mason embarked on their marriage of convenience, but she could answer it now without a doubt. “He’s wonderful, your honor. He’s the only father my daughter Emily has known, because she was so young when Roger left. Since we’ve been married he’s fostered her love of animals and taught her how to care for as well as ride horses. He also joined us on the class fieldtrip at the gardens just to share lunch with us. He takes Jay to football games and fishing too.”

  Abigail suddenly remembered something Mason had said a couple of times before. “Your honor, DNA doesn’t make a dad. Mason is the one that spends time with Jay and Emily. He is the one that takes care of their everyday needs physically and emotionally. He is their dad!”

  “No he’s not,” Roger blurted out. “No matter how much Abigail might wish otherwise, I’m their father. I regret the mistake of not spending more time with them and I’m stepping up now to rectify that mistake.”

  Abigail realized that Mason was still holding her hand. She squeezed so tightly her fingernails were sure to leave marks. She was impressed when he didn’t even flinch. He just continued letting her use his hand as a stress ball.

  The judge made a few more notes before straightening the papers on her desk. “I think I’ve heard enough. I’m ready to make a ruling.” She looked both Roger and Abigail in the eyes. “I see no reason why Mrs. Blake should be separated from her children for even a limit
ed amount of time. I’ve talked to their teachers and principals and by all accounts they are very happy well adjusted children.”

  Roger sensing things were not going to go his way couldn’t resist having the final say. “That’s ridiculous! She’s married to the school superintendent. What did you expect school officials to say?”

  The judge gave Roger a sharp look and cut him off. “That’s enough! Now as I was saying. I see no reason to change the custody arrangements. Mrs. Blake is to maintain full custody of both children. However in all good conscience I have a father that says he wants to spend time with his children and I see no reason to deny that request either. I believe that it is in the children’s best interest to make sure that the contact with their father is monitored at least in the beginning.”

  The judge granted Roger one supervised visit a month at the Blake house. She also ruled that the arrangement would be reevaluated in ninety days.

  Abigail was walking on air when she and Mason exited the courthouse. She still hadn’t come down from the euphoria of the judge’s decision. She could handle dealing with Roger once a month as long as she still got to see Jay and Emily everyday. Abigail saw this as nothing less than a victory. She didn’t believe Roger had it in him to stick out the ninety-day probation period. He’d lose interest and her standing in Jay and Emily’s lives would never be threatened. She wanted to celebrate after leaving the courthouse.

  Mason unfortunately had to decline, no matter how much he’d rather be with Abigail. He gave her a quick kiss on the top of her hair right before she slid into the passenger seat of his car. Then he walked around to the driver’s side and closed the door, shutting them into a world of their own. “I have to return to work Abigail. One meeting is a reschedule from the lunch I shared with you and Emily at the botanical gardens. I can’t reschedule again. It’s going to be a long day.”

  Some of Abigail’s enthusiasm waned. She really wanted to celebrate, but she found it hard to imagine doing that without Mason. She was well aware of Mason’s work ethic though. It was one of the things she admired about him. “It’s all right Mason. I know you’re busy and I really am grateful you could be with me this morning.”

  The first thing Abigail did after Mason took her home was call her mom. Joyce Montgomery was relieved, but quick to state she never had a doubt that the judge would see things Abigail’s way. Then she called Annabel and Aubrey to share the great news. Both sisters were just as thrilled as Abigail was and they planned a Montgomery women’s day out in the near future.

  Abigail still felt that some kind of celebration was warranted for that day. After picking up the children from school she called Caroline and invited her out for ice cream with her and Jay and Emily. They met at the local café and the two women exchanged small talk with each other and the children. Finally they walked a couple of blocks to the ice cream shop. Abigail and Caroline trailed behind. They weren’t in such a hurry to reach the ice cream. Abigail wanted to have a conversation for adult ears only anyway.

  The two women talked as they trailed behind Jay and Emily. Abigail shared her true feelings for Mason. “I was really upset that Mason couldn’t celebrate with us, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  Caroline grimaced. “Ouch there’s nothing like being second choice at anything.”

  Abigail poked her friend in the ribs. “That’s not what I meant at all and you know it,” she managed to get out between laughs. Then she sobered. “Caroline, he’s really bonded with the children and he’s building a strong relationship with both of them. I couldn’t have picked a better stepfather for them if I’d tried. He’s a better father then Roger ever thought about being to them.”

  Caroline smiled at her friend. Abigail and the rest of the Montgomery family had gone out of their way to make her welcome. She was glad her friend was happy. She could tell Abigail was hesitant however. “I since a but in there somewhere,” she told her friend.

  “Yes you do,” Abigail agreed. “I really care for Mason. I always have, that’s never been in question. We’ve known each other for years. I’ve been attracted to him from the first moment I laid eyes on him, but I was still hesitant to go through with the marriage. Now I know why. Mason is kind and considerate with me as well as the children, he’s mind blowing in bed and he’s an excellent provider. What’s not to love?”

  “Ah, so you’re in love with your husband,” Caroline calmly observed. “That’s great, Abigail. I was worried about you when you first confided in me about this marriage of convenience you’d agreed to. It seems everything has worked out for the best though.”

  “I don’t know. I guess,” Abigail shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t want to love Mason. I think that’s why despite the intense chemistry between us, I never pushed the boundaries and challenged his no dating coworkers rule. I am so worried that once the novelty of having a wife and family fades Mason won’t want us anymore.”

  Caroline did her best to comfort her friend. “Mason acts like a man in love to me. Everything I’ve heard about him leads me to believe he’s an honorable man, Abigail. He’s not your ex-husband. He’s not going to abandon you and the children.”

  “I think I’m finally beginning to believe that. I know I need to have a serious talk with Mason, but I need time to process and sort through my feelings first. I know a good place to start. I think it’s time I seduced my husband instead of the other way around.”

  Carolina let out a dramatic but heartfelt sigh. “I’m glad at least one of us has things figured out!”


  Abigail rushed around the house planning a big seduction scene for Mason. It seemed like it had taken her forever to help the children finish their homework and get ready for bed. Now she was in a hurry to make everything perfect! She wanted to thank him for his help with the custody battle in a way she knew he would appreciate. This was the first time in their short marriage she’d be the one initiating the lovemaking.

  Abigail looked through the music selection on the MP3 player in their bedroom. She quickly created a playlist of several slow romantic ballads. Then she went into the kitchen to retrieve a chilled bottle of wine and two glasses. That was the easy part. Now to turn up the heat, she searched her lingerie drawer until she found the sexiest piece of lingerie she owned. Of course it was a wedding gift from Aubrey, because Abigail would have never splurged on anything like this creation for herself.

  The see through champagne colored silk gown had a halter-top and fell to mid-thigh. It probably should have been worn on her wedding night, but she hadn’t had the nerve. Now she was willing to risk it to please Mason. And she was sure he’d be pleased. She might be thirty-four, but she took good care of herself. Besides she already knew Mason was attracted to her. Physical chemistry had never been an issue with them.

  Abigail looked around the bedroom. She was happy with the results. Instead of the harsh light of the overhead light or bedside light, a trio of candles cast a soft romantic glow around the bed. She rubbed her palms down the length of her thigh and realized they were moist. She was so nervous they were damp with sweat. Now all she had to do was wait. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too much longer. The longer she had to wait the more nervous she would be.

  Abigail checked the bedside clock for what felt like the hundredth time. It was already ten o’clock and Mason was nowhere to be seen. She hit the send button of her cell phone twice to redial his cell phone. Once again it went straight to his voice mail. Abigail was riddled with angst. She’d finally started to make peace with how she felt about Mason and now this. She was insecure in her newfound love and began to convince herself that Mason must be having second thoughts about their marriage. Maybe he thought they didn’t need him anymore, since the immediate threat of losing the children was behind them. She worked herself into such a heightened state of nervousness that she fell into an exhausted sleep long before Mason returned home.


  Shortly after eleven o’clock, Mason more tired than any ma
n had a right to be stepped into his dark and quiet house. The first thing he noticed when he walked into the bedroom was all the effort Abigail had gone to to make the night special. The candles had long burned themselves out and the wine when he took a sip was tepid. He rubbed her tangled hair away from her face. A shiny trail across her check caught his attention. He found himself looking at the dried tracks of her tears.

  He cursed himself for a fool. He should have called to explain the emergency to her. This had been a special day for her and she’d wanted to celebrate with him. He’d spoiled Abigail’s celebration plans not once but twice. He didn’t want to wake her, but he couldn’t help himself. He bent down and took her lips in a crushing kiss.

  Abigail was pulled from a deep sleep where she had been dreaming about Mason. She wrapped her arms around her dream lover’s neck and deepened the kiss. She tried to resist and tightened her hold when her dream lover pulled away.

  “Go back to sleep, darling. I didn’t mean to wake you, but I couldn’t refrain from giving you a good night kiss.”

  “Mason,” she murmured while smothering a yawn. “What time is it and where have you been? I waited up as long as I could, but obviously that wasn’t long enough.” She gave him a wounded look.

  Mason set on the edge of the bed and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Then he stood up and walked toward the closet stripping his tie as he went. “I’m sorry darling. I should have called, but my afternoon meeting ran longer then expected and before we could wrap it up I got a phone call saying the assistant principal over at your friend Caroline’s school was involved in a car accident. He was being admitted to the hospital and it didn’t sound good, so I rushed right over.”

  Abigail covered her mouth with one hand and let out a shocked sound of dismay. “Oh no,” Abigail exclaimed. “It wasn’t Thomas Wright was it? He’s a member of the MethodistChurch and his wife is good friends with my mom and your Aunt Linda.”