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A Montgomery Marriage (Montgomery Family and Friends) Page 15

  Mason let out a strangled sigh. “I was afraid that might happen. All right you and the children go visit with your mom and have fun. When you get back we need to talk.”

  “Yes we do,” Abigail agreed. “I meant to have this conversation last night, but our love making was all consuming. I thought our wedding night was impossible to top, but you proved me wrong last night. I think we both passed out from exhaustion afterwards.”

  “I didn’t hear you complaining last night,” Mason was quick to point out.

  “No complaints here, at least not on that front,” Abigail agreed. “I’m just saying you’re right, we definitely need to talk, the sooner the better too.”


  That afternoon she picked both kids up from school and took them to their grandma’s house. “Mason is really busy at work right now,” Abigail tried to explain away his absence. “He doesn’t get a long weekend like two lucky children I know,” Abigail did her best to sound normal. “Besides, Grandma Joyce misses you. We are going to stay with her for a few days and keep her company like we used to do when we lived here. This is an awfully big house for one person.”

  “But what about Buttercup?” Emily wailed. “Who’s going to feed her sugar cubes and apples, and brush her mane? And who is going to take evening rides with dad when he gets home from work?”

  Abigail froze. She knew Mason had bonded with Emily and Jay, but this was the first she had heard either of the children refer to him as dad. Before she could respond Jay spoke up.

  “We are only going to be here a few days,” Jay intervened. “Isn’t that right mom? We’ll be back with dad before we go to school on Monday.” He patted his younger sister on the shoulder to offer her support.

  Abigail sighed inwardly. She knew the children had gotten attached to Mason and their new life, but she had no idea it was to this extent. Now they were both calling him dad. If this marriage of convenience ever ended because it was no longer so convenient they were really going to be hurt, which was what she had been afraid of all along. It was just one more thing to think about Abigail decided.

  “As far as I know Jay we’ll be back at Mason’s by Sunday night.” Abigail wanted to distract them from when they were going back to Mason’s house. She changed the topic without missing a heartbeat. “I bet your cousins and Aunt Annabel are looking forward to your visit this weekend too. You don’t get to play with your little cousins as much as you used to before we moved. If you aren’t careful they’ll forget who you are,” Abigail teased.

  Jay puffed out his chest as only a young teen boy could and scoffed at his mother. “I’m the oldest Montgomery cousin. They can’t forget me mom!”

  Abigail smiled and ruffled Jay’s hair. She knew he adored his much younger cousins just as much as they adored him. She could always count on him to put family first. His last name might be Davidson, but he was a Montgomery through and through.

  She turned to Emily. “You know your aunt and uncle were in the field last month getting photographs for her latest photo book on rainforests. They saw lots of unique and colorful animals while they were down in South America. I bet she’d love to share them with you this weekend while you’re visiting.” Abigail knew that would take her daughter’s attention off of Mason and the horses, at least temporarily.

  The young girls face lit up. She loved looking at her Aunt Annabel’s wildlife photos. “I can’t wait! And I have been missing grandma an awful lot. I’m sure Buttercup will be all right without me for just a few days. Dad will take good care of her just like he does us!”

  Abigail breathed a sigh of relief. She had successfully refocused both children’s attention away from Mason and on to things that would keep them busy and happy over the short four-day separation. Now if she could only do the same thing for herself. She had a lot of thinking to do, however and it was all related to Mason.


  Abigail heard the front door open and close. She’d been expecting her mom so she looked up with a smile on her face. Joyce Montgomery had been out to dinner with the Methodist Women’s group and Abigail was looking forward to getting caught up on the local gossip. Abigail was shocked to see Roger Davidson her ex-husband standing there instead. She immediately cursed herself for being a fool. After what happened at the football game and then the court hearing she should have been more careful. It was just plan stupid to leave the door unlocked even if she was expecting her mom any minute.

  Jay hadn’t recognized Roger at the football field and she doubted if Emily would recognize him either. This was confirmed when Emily pulled on Abigail’s sleeve. Mom who’s that strange man standing in grandma’s living room?”

  The stranger answered before Abigail had a chance to explain. “I’m your dad, Emily. And you would know that if your selfish mother wasn’t going to all kinds of lengths to keep us apart. That includes that fake marriage of hers,” he sneered at Abigail. “But I’ve decided we’ve gone long enough without seeing each other. I’ve come to get you for a visit. You and your brother are coming with me. I don’t care that your mom and that stupid judge says otherwise. You’re my children and I should be able to see you anytime I want!”

  Emily started to cry. “Mommy, I don’t want to go with him. I want to stay here. Don’t make us go with him.”

  Abigail was furious with her ex-husband. His behavior was so erratic even a young child was smart enough to be wary. “Don’t worry honey,” Abigail tried to comfort her daughter with both words and a hug. “You’re staying right here with me and grandma.”

  Abigail didn’t want her ex-husband to see how intimidated she was of him and the situation. She inched up her chin and tried to stare him down. “Roger you know what the judge said. You didn’t win full custody, Mason and I did. You only get one supervised visit a month at our house. You’re breaking the court order by being here. My advice to you would be to get out now before I call the police. If you insist on making a fool of yourself, you’re only going to hurt your chances for extended visits with Jay and Emily. Remember your visits are probationary and the judge reevaluates the situation in a few months. She won’t take too kindly to the news that you barged into my mother’s home uninvited.”

  The man took a menacing step toward Abigail and the children. She could smell the alcohol on his breath. She didn’t give one thought to her own safety. She pushed Emily and Jay behind her. Her sole focus was on getting them away from this man and danger. “Jay, take your sister upstairs and lock yourselves in my bedroom. Now!” she added in a rush. Thankfully Jay didn’t even hesitate. He grabbed his sister’s hand and ran up the stairs with her.

  Roger tried to chase after them, but Abigail used her body to block the bottom of the stairs. There was no way she was letting that man anywhere near her children, even if he was their biological father. In this case as far as Abigail was concerned, biology didn’t mean much.

  He tried pushing her out of the way, but she grabbed the banister and wouldn’t let go. She used every ounce of strength she possessed. “You left me when I was diagnosed with bulimia and needed your care and support. You couldn’t be bothered to take care of me and two small children. You’ve never visited Jay and Emily once since the divorce. What makes you think I would let you leave with them now, especially when you’ve been drinking?” Abigail screamed at the man she used to be married to, the man who had shattered her trust in the opposite sex, until Mason had come along to restore it.

  “What makes you think I need your permission,” the man answered while trying to pull Abigail away from the stairs. He was stronger than Abigail and outweighed her by more than eighty pounds. He managed to wrench her arm from the banister.

  Abigail cried out in pain, but held on. She was not going to give up that easily. Emily and Jay’s wellbeing depended on her keeping this man away from them. If she could hold on just a little longer her mom would be home and she could call for help. Abigail pounded Roger in the chest with her fists as hard as she could the whole time sc
reaming at him to “get out.”

  Roger just laughed at her. “You should have been this feisty when we were married. I think I like it. We might still be together now if you’d shown more fire back then.”

  The lecherous look that appeared in his eyes frightened Abigail and she could feel her bravado falter. Maybe she could outrun him and lock herself in a bedroom with her cell phone. She turned to run, but he grabbed her leg causing her to fall on the stairs. “You can’t leave now this is just getting good.”

  Abigail started to cry. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but she was scared. “I won’t let you touch me” she screamed. She kicked and hit at Roger. He deflected her blows with a minimum of effort. The thought of his hands on her body made her physically ill. Mason’s face popped into her mind. He had been so wonderful to her and the children since they’d moved in with him. He went out of his way to do thoughtful things for all three of them. He had even found his own unique way to bond with Emily, Jay, and even her. He’d made them a real family she suddenly realized. God she hoped she made it out of this mess so she could tell him that she loved him.

  Roger clawed at her top, ripping it off. Abigail fought even harder. “No,” she screamed. “Get off of me, you disgusting pig. I won’t let you hurt me ever again.”

  Roger drew back his hand to slap his ex-wife. “I had enough of your backtalk when we were married,” he smirked. His big beefy palm began its descent toward Abigail, but it never made contact. He was suddenly yanked off Abigail and thrown against the opposite wall.

  “Don’t touch her,” Mason yelled. Jonathan came running in the door at the same time Mason was pulling Roger off of Abigail. Jonathan detained the stranger against the wall so that Mason could focus all his attention on tending to Abigail.

  She had never been so happy to see Mason or anyone else for that matter. He sat down next to her and held open his arms. She went into them willingly. She cried until her sobs turned to hiccups. Then she had a frightening thought. What if Mason and the court thought this was all her fault? “I didn’t mean to put myself and our children in danger. I’m sorry. I should have locked the door, but I didn’t think Roger would ever be this stupid. And mom is due home anytime now.”

  “Oh sweetheart, no one would ever blame you for any of this. Why would that thought even cross your mind?” He brushed back her tear dampened bangs and brushed his lips down her cheek across the trail of tears.

  Abigail sobbed once again. His gentleness and understanding were welcome, but she still felt guilty. “I left the door unlocked tonight, because I was waiting for mom. I made it possible for him to get inside the house. I put our children in danger! Why aren’t you upset?”

  Mason squeezed Abigail and rained light kisses all over her face. “I am upset,” he saw her face fall and made a quick clarification. “I’m upset, but most definitely not with you! This is not your fault, Abigail. You did everything you could to protect our children at great risk to yourself, which we will talk about later, I promise.”

  “He just walked in here and announced he was taking Emily and Jay. They didn’t even know who he was and I could tell he had been drinking. So I told the kids to run upstairs and lock themselves in my bedroom. He tried to go after them, but I wouldn’t let him. We fought on the stairs and when I tried to get away he pulled me down to the floor. I think he was going to rape me.” Abigail started sobbing again. “His touch made me ill. I was worried my mom would come home and put herself in harms way trying to save me, but I knew I needed someone to get here in time to help me.” She gave him a lopsided grin. “I should have known it would be you. You’re my own personal knight in shiny armor these days. Complete with horses too,” she teased.

  Mason felt some of the tension leave his body. Abigail’s sense of humor was returning and that could only be good news. He held her tighter not because she needed it, but because he did. “Jay called my cell phone and told me I had to come over right away. He explained you were in danger and that all of you needed me. God, if anything bad had happened to you I don’t know what I would have done.” He tenderly touched his lips to hers. “It’s my fault the three of you were here unprotected in the first place. God, I’m so sorry Abigail. Please forgive me. Even though it’s only been a couple of days, I can’t keep living without you. I miss you and the children. Please come home, where you belong.

  Just then the sheriff knocked on the door before walking into the house. Cole Duncan, who had gone to school with both Abigail and Roger, recognized the intruder instantly. He tipped his hat to Abigail. “Jay called the station and said you needed help, Abigail. What happened here?”

  Abigail told the sheriff, an old family friend of the Montgomery’s the events as they had unfolded. “Do you want to press charges?” he asked Abigail with a grim look on his rugged face. Abigail shook her head.

  “No,” Abigail shook her head once again indicating she didn’t want to press charges. “Mason and Jonathan got here before any real harm was done. I couldn’t do that to Emily and Jay. He is their father. And you know how other kids talk and tease. I don’t want him to be able to hurt them that way.”

  Mason wasn’t about to let it go. “I want a restraining order and an official police report,” an angry Mason emphatically stated. “I don’t want him anywhere near Abigail or my children ever again.” He stressed the words my not only for Abigail’s benefit, but Roger too. He wanted the man to understand that he claimed not only Abigail, but Emily and Jay as well. He also wanted the man to understand that Mason protected his own. “And I want documentation to make sure that happens. I’m sure the family court judge will be real interested in what happened here tonight.”

  “That will not be a problem,” Cole promised. “I will take care of it as soon as I return to the station.” He grabbed Roger and started out the door with the belligerent man.

  “Where are you taking me,” Roger demanded? “She said she wasn’t pressing charges.”

  “You’re drunk and a menace to the public, Roger. I’m taking you downtown to sober up and clear your head. Then we can talk about how you are going to stay away from the Montgomery family, including your children, or face the consequences.”

  Cole tipped his Stetson to Abigail once more and marched Roger out to the squad car. Jonathan followed closely behind making sure the door was locked as he left. He needed to get back home to Annabel. She had been distraught with worry when Jay called the house and told him a strange man was at grandma’s house and Abigail was in trouble. Annabel had wanted to rush over there with him, but luckily she realized she couldn’t leave Charlotte and Jacob home unattended.

  He was relieved that he would be able to report to his wife that Abigail, Jay, and Emily were all right. She would also probably be interested in hearing about Abigail’s white knight. Annabel had been suspicious of the marriage from the beginning, but had refrained from sharing her doubts with Abigail. It was plain to Jonathan; however that Mason and Abigail were desperately and undeniably in love with each other.

  Abigail let out a startled exclamation when she felt herself being lifted and then once more cradled in Mason’s firm embrace. She felt all the tension leave her body as it recognized his. She couldn’t relax though, not yet. Her mind wouldn’t let her. “I have to see our children,” she told him.

  As much as Mason really wanted her to himself he knew she was right. He carried her up the stairs. He had never seen the upstairs of Abigail’s childhood home, so he needed directions. “Which way is their bedroom?”

  Abigail hesitated. “Wait, I have to change clothes. Jay and Emily can’t see me like this. Take me to Aubrey’s old room at the end of the hall. I’m sure she still has a few clothes in the closet.” At his questioning look she clarified the situation. “I sent Jay and Emily to my room. It was closer for them, so I can’t change into my own clothes.”

  Mason stopped in front of the bedroom door she’d indicated him to go to. He carried Abigail inside and gently sat her d
own on the burgundy and moss green quilt. Then he dared to finally take a deep breath and let it out, along with all the anxiety he’d held in for the past half hour.

  Abigail rooted around the drawers of Aubrey’s dresser until she found an old t-shirt. She pulled off what was left of her ripped top and slipped on the shirt. She shuddered when she looked back at her discarded top. She felt Mason take her hand. She allowed him to lead her back into the hallway. When he stopped, she guided them toward her old bedroom. They walked the final steps together.

  Mason tried the handle, but it didn’t turn. It was locked.

  Abigail sent up a silent prayer that Jay had been smart enough not only to get help, but to listen to her and keep the door locked. She knocked on the door. “Jay, Emily,” she called out in a calm and clear voice. “It’s your mom and Mason,” she hesitated. “It’s your mom and dad,” she corrected sending Mason a shy smile. “Let us in.”

  Jay unlocked the door and threw it open. Abigail rushed inside and hugged both children. “Everything is going to be all right. He’s gone and I’m just fine. Thank you so much for calling your dad and Uncle Jonathan. I really needed their help.”

  “We were scared,” Jay admitted to his parents. Emily and I could hear you screaming, mom. I wanted to help you, but I couldn’t leave Emily all by herself.” He scrunched up his brows and frowned. “If something had happened to you it would have been my fault,” the young teen hung his head in embarrassment.”

  It broke Abigail’s heart to see her son so torn. “You did the right thing Jay. You called for help and you stayed here to protect your sister. You did exactly what I told you to do and in an emergency that is the most important thing.” She hugged him one more time. “You called your dad and he saved us, just like always.”

  As much as Abigail wanted to hold Emily and Jay and never let go, she needed to be held too. “I want you two to get ready for bed. Let Mason tuck you in for the night. Grandma should be back from dinner any minute now. We’ll wait until tomorrow to fill her in on everything she missed, okay.”